Trying The Underwater Photoshoot


Saya sangat suka menari. It's one of my best hobby. Tari tradisi, modern, ballet, kontemporer, atau pun sendra tari (dikombinasikan dengan teater), dengan senang hati saya lakoni. Ajakan pementasan teater dan tari selalu menjadi sesuatu yang menggiurkan buat saya. Tapi menari dalam air? Itu sebuah tantangan baru. Paling tidak, saya belum pernah mencobanya.

I really love dancing to death. It's one of my best hobbies. Traditional dance, modern, ballet, contemporary, or even dance theater, I will gladly being involved. An offer to join theater and dance performance has always been something tempting for me. But dancing in the water? It was a new challenge. At least, I've never tried it.

Awalnya, ajakan dari seorang teman, Marischka Prudence (Prue), hanya sekedar berenang dengan bonus foto-foto bersama Valdya -Prue memang lagi hobby underwater photoshoot sembari latihan nafas dalam air, CMIIW prue-.

Initially, an invitation from a friend, Marischka Prudence (Prue), was just swim with bonus photoshoots with Valdya, -Underwater photoshoot is Prue's hobby rite now, also as a breathing exercise in the water, prue-CMIIW-.

"Ayo Kin, coba foto."

"Let's take some photos!"

Prue langsung ngajak menyelam tanpa tedeng aling-aling. Saya yang tidak mengerti apa-apa, hanya terpikir untuk berpose ala penari, dan bertahan agak lama supaya sukses dijepret. Hasilnya? 5 detik megap-megap!

Prue immediately asked me to dive. No warming up introduction, hahaha. I do not understand anything, i was just thinking to pose a la dancers, and survive a little longer to give Prue sometime to take some pictures. The result? 5 seconds gasp!

My first trial. Out of breath. :s

"Bagus kok. Ini Kinan karena penari kali ya, jadi bentuknya dapet," tutur Prue.

"It's Good. Maybe because Kinan is a dancer, she easily get the shape," said Prue.

Sebenarnya komentar ini yang justru membuat saya berpikir, "oiya, kenapa nggak nari-nari aja di dalam air. Siapa tau jadi lebih tahan lama."

Well, actually this comment is an AHA moment! It just made me think, "aha, why didn't i just dancing in in the water. Maybe i could stay longer inside."

She holds her breath for 50 seconds!

Setelah beberapa kali difoto, saya mulai beradaptasi untuk bisa lebih lama di dalam air, dan ambil napas tanpa terlihat kewalahan dari dalam air. Sementara Prue? Sukses bertahan sampai di 50 detik motret di dalam air. Hebat ciciii!

Having a couple times captured, I began to adapt to stay longer in the water, and take a breath without seeming overwhelmed. While Prue? She's succeeded last up in 50 seconds in the water. Awesome, Ciciii!

This is cool!

Distraction. It's the key. Prue menjadikan keasyikannya memotret sebagai bentuk pengalihan untuk dapat bertahan lebih lama di dalam air. Sementara saya, memilih untuk memikirkan pose ala-ala tari yang menarik supaya nggak itu-itu lagi. Yah, meskipun tidak sampai 10 detik sudah ambil napas lagi ya.. (--,)

Distraction. It's the key. Prue turn the capturing moment as a form of diversion to be able to last longer in the water. While I, chose to think various kind of interesting-dance-poses. Well, although it only lasts less than 10 seconds to take a breath again (--,).

Sayang, ekspresi wajah masih payah.. But, this new experience is sooo fun yet challenging.. i wonder how would it be if i do the laughing pose.. i think i'll do this dancing in the water photoshoot again.. for sure!

Too bad, i lost my expression. It's sucks i couldn't get focus on it. But, this new experience is sooo fun yet challenging .. i wonder how would it be if i do the laughing pose .. i think I'll do this photoshoot dancing in the water again .. for sure!

What an expression.. *#(*^

If i'm not mistaken, kokoh Vry captured this, and he asked to move near the surface.

Need to practice for such an expression :(

Hmmm... say no for my expression!
Focus moved to the property. Meh.

Prue is on the move

Valdya with her expression

We are using prue yellow dress as a photoshoot property :p

I love this pose, great val!

Can never thank Prue enough for such an invitation, thank's Prue!


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